Sunday, February 1, 2009

What A Day.

Sunday's and I have a love hate relationship, I find myself loving church but at sometimes I find myself dreading it also.  Let me explain, I love it when a plan comes together, I don't when things fall through.  I love it when the kids listen to every single word, I don't love it when they want to hear nothing of what I am saying.  I enjoy the rest that I get on Sunday, but I don't always like the stress that I experience.  I think that with almost everything in life there are things that we like about any given subject, but then on the same subject there are things that we dislike.  I like the fact that cancer will give me an opportunity to understand others in a way that I would have never understood them before, I don't like the uncertainty of what is ahead.  
I it is easy for us to say that God has it all worked out, but putting that into actin is not always as easy.  There are times when I ask God why me, and that is not bad, as it is not wrong to question God.  When I see someone who is doing things that are known to cause cancer, yet I don't do those things, I can't help but wonder why me.  The truth however is that because of sin, death and sickness have entered into the world.  The good thing is that we don't have to accept that fate, if we have Jesus in our lives.  Think About It.


  1. Trinity,

    I know that you don't understand why you have to go through this and it does seem unfair, and believe me, a whole lot of people will have questions for God when they see Him. But, God already knows the outcome, so trust that He's got your back! He does! Don't lose heart. One day you will understand and if it brings God glory, you'll be thankful that He used this situation for His good and you were a part of it! Keep the faith, Trin. We're holding you up in prayer.

  2. From one children's pastor to another, I TOTALLY get the Sunday morning thing...I still get "first day jitters" every single Sunday!

    I love your attitude - you are in my prayers!!!

  3. Any of us who are pastors get the Sunday morning thing...when it's good, it's good, when it's bad, we want to stick our heads into a pillow and scream, then take a very long Sunday afternoon nap. (sigh)

    Proud of you, T! Hope your doctor's appointments were with great results today.
