Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Dealer!!!

I have always said that life is dealt out just like a hand of cards, and that the only thing that matters is how you play them.  That is so true, even while standing in the shadow of gloom that can sometimes be dealt by cancer.  When the news came that I had cancer I felt as if I had been dealt a hand of all low number cards in a rainbow array of suits.  As any gambler knows, the game is not won in what is dealt but how you play the cards and how well you can out think the other players.  Cancer is a bad hand, but it is not the end of the game, I will draw two more cards in hopes that the hand betters, I will pray that I have the better hand, and I will continue to play as if I have the hand that can win it all.  This is not an attempt at empty hope, it is far from that, as cancer is not the end of my game, I will play on and cancer will fold.  
My hope is not based on mere fate or on some notion that I alone can beat this, my faith is in the One who made my body.  He alone is my chance at beating cancer, without His help my body would shrivel and die.  You see I know the dealer, and I know that He has an ACE up His sleeve, and with His help I WILL win this hand.


  1. That's my boy! You made me shout this morning! If sushi helps you get that kind of spunk, Trin, then sushi up! Ole satan's gonna lose his shirt!

    But...hey, you smoked at 8 yrs. old & now you gamble? Why Trinity..., I'm just messin' with you now!!! You go boy!! You go!!


  2. Wow, I see how those pastor's boys influenced you with poker (sorry Pastor D). And I see how all of that journaling at CCA prepared you for writing your story. Personally I'm not fond of poker or the fact that you are in the game but I am sure that God is in control and I am so thankful that your trust is in Him. Ann, I love reading your Blogs too.

  3. Trin we are all standing behind u cheering u on as u play this hand of cards!
    When u have the LORD on your side you have all the cards u need to win!
