Monday, February 2, 2009


Today was one of the worst days of this process yet.  I hate needles (I know I need to get used to them) so today in honor of the possible release of Gitmo prisoners the federal gov't decided to torture me at the hands of the medical staff at Moffitt Cancer Center.  They stuck needles in both of my arms, one in a vein the other in an artery, then they put radioactive material in the blood and returned it into my body; I hope I glow tonight, they said I wouldn't but it would be cool.  They also took pictures of my heart and checked to make sure my lungs work.  Everything looked good, I guess all of those cigarettes that I smoked when I was eight haven't had much effect on my heart and lungs.  I do wish that when they finished torturing me that I could have gotten a cool Spiderman sticker, I guess they stop doing that when you get old.


  1. Oh yeah, glowing in the dark would be cool! Lifting you up in prayer still. I am glad for your honesty and sense of humor. Can't wait to hear you're healed.

  2. What cigarettes when you were eight??? I am learning more and more about you Trinity. God certainly made you special - that's why I love you and it's hard to see you go through this cancer stuff. I know God is in control and it will all glorify Him but....

  3. Trin,

    I'll be Aunt Sandy could find a Spiderman sticker somewhere for you! And Trinity, you may not glow in the dark, but you sure 'glow' in the Spirit! That's what counts!

    I'm glad you called yesterday! I've wantd to call you, but didn't know what would be a good time for you. It was so good to talk with you.
    We miss you. You know, we've shared a blue T-Bird and braces, but this deal I'm not able to share in other than in praying with you and supporting you as best I can. If I could spare you this, I certainly would.

    I love you!


  4. Oh my gosh, you SMOKED when you were eight? I am still laughing.............

    I hate needles too. I would rather birth a baby than get a needle. Seriously, I truly hate them. The "IV" used to be the worst part for me of going through the process of having my children and I used to beg for them to skip it to no avail. Anyway, all that to say I understand your dislike for them and will pray for you that God will give you extra grace to handle them these next few months.

    I do have some tips that I use to make it more bearable. I get queasy when I get shots or blood tests so I always take an orange juice and peanut butter crackers with me and it seems to help -- I eat/drink before I even stand up. You would have to tailor this to your diet you are on, but maybe take something you are allowed to have. I also take my IPOD and listen to some relaxing worship music while I'm in the waiting room and that sets me at ease more. Maybe you could make a special playlist on your IPOD for when you go through your treatments. I also keep my small Bible in my purse and read Psalms.

  5. Dude, i looked for yesterday but i guess you was inside already. Funny, before i saw you at the lobby yesterday i was praying for you in the bathroom stall( that is my alone time, if i'm not praying i'm either reading or calling my wife) Yeah i know TMI! Anyway, just let me know when you're around here so that maybe we can chat a little while you wait to be call or if you need me to hold your hand i can do that ( i'll wash them this time before leaving the bathroom). Did you get to see Ingrid? i told her you were there on her floor.
    2 Thessalonians 3:3
    But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

  6. We really enjoy your blogs, especially your sense of humor! You and your family are in our prayers, and we continue to stand on Prov 4:20-22 and Isa 26:3&4 for Misty. Tim hates needles too, so he can relate to your desire for the cool sticker. However, Tim thinks a cool sticker is one that doesn't hurt when they put the needle in. John 15:7 Believing with you for all God's Blessings - Liane and Tim
