Monday, February 9, 2009

Doctors, wow!!!

The thought of intelligent design in the scientific community is one that in recent years has began to gain some steam.  To some the debate rages on while to others it is pretty simple and plain for the eye or even the microscope to see.  Today I spent some time researching the history behind Hodgkin's Disease.  It amazes me to know that God has given doctors such an unbelievable gift as to be able to look at a group of cells and determine what disease is effecting those cells.  The advances in modern science in regards to Hodgkin's over the past ten years is proof that we couldn't have come from a single cell organism.  If you need to, look it up for yourself; there is no other explanation for the complexity of the human body than for there to be designer that planned it out.  The cool thing is that God knew exactly what Doctors to put where in order to advance research that would allow for them to find cures for diseases such as cancer.  

The other day I had the privilege of discussing my condition with one of the technicians in the nuclear medicine department at Moffitt, and she informed me of how stem cell research could allow for doctors to taylor make cancer treatments for patients.  The only reason to make a taylor made treatment program is because each patient is uniquely designed.  Every part of our bodies is unique to us, no two persons are exactly the same.  Every person is created with a specific purpose and contribution to give to the world.  An that thought is what helps me get through this, I have a purpose!!!


  1. Trinity,

    Yes, we are similar to snowflakes, except we don't melt!
    Once again I'll refer you to my favorite chapter of the Bible, Psalms 139. Have you read that? Really read it? It is awesome! And, yes, Trinity, you do have a purpose and God won't call any of us home until we have fulfilled that purpose! And, I'm certain that He has a bigger purpose for you, which is taking you another level, but to get there you are having to go through a trial by fire. But I promise you Trin, when you come out of the fire and look back on all of will be in awe of where this path of life has brought you to. God has a plan and it is for your good! Remember, He knows your coming ins and going outs! He knows everything from beginning to end! He loves you and He will never forsake you!
    And He is a Master designer! Just as we enjoy the beauty of a sunset, we also enjoy the beauty of you! God is so good!
    I love you, Trinity. Very much!

  2. So awesome! I love finding things out like this that complete de-bunk that ridiculous notion that we came from apes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made...

    Praying for you today, and I sent you an email from my dear friend in Kenya, letting you know the church is praying for you there.

    Love you

  3. Pastor T, you're so right. If anyone wants to find a 90 - 95% job security employment it's within the research/ medical field. Although the human genome has been mapped there're still thousands of years or perhaps millions of years research to be done before a completion of cure can ever be claimed. I rejoice in the Lord everytime i go to a scientific seminar. The complication and the way that some of the known cell works it's amazing, our body is definitly a devine, master designed, specimen. You are truly amazing dude.
    2 Peter 1:3
    His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

  4. I am so thankful for research- we have come so far medically and God equips those in research to help others- He gives us our minds to be utilized in helping others- He is truly amazing and research is truly amazing-
    It is amazing what research does- I am so blessed to be apart of it.
