Sunday, March 22, 2009

Third time around.

I am now three days past my third treatment, and things have gone pretty well.  The only different side effect that I have had this time has been neuropathy in my fingers and in my toes, this is fun and scary at the same time.  It is nice that now I can carry hot pans from the oven to the table without a pot holder, but smell of the hot flesh is not to pleasing.  I am only kidding, I have to take extreme care to make sure that I pay attention so that I don't injure myself without knowing about it.  This time around I still lost taste, I know that some would argue that I have never had much taste to begin with.  On a more serious note, things are going great and i couldn't ask for a better outcome considering the circumstances.


  1. I'm so glad that your side effects are still mild, although you'll need to be careful with those fingers and toes! I've been checking for your blog everyday, so it is good to hear from you! Take care, tell Misty and the kids that we love them. You are almost to the halfway mark! You continuously amaze me with your sense of humor and your courage.

  2. Yes! Please be careful.

    I'm glad the side effects are mild. We are all pulling for you. Can't believe you are almost to the halfway mark already! Praise the Lord!

    Love ya
