Monday, March 23, 2009

Pushing Through

This weekend has been a real whirlwind for my family, but God is continuing to be awesome in everything.  I had a treatment on Thursday, Misty had a colonoscopy on Friday, Nate had a church event and Karate tournament on Saturday, and we started a kids revival on Sunday that will last through Wednesday.  What a weekend!!!  God continues to give me the strength that I need to push through the times when I feel weak or tired.  Thank You God for the strength to stand when I don't think that I can.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That made me tired just reading about your weekend, but then, I'm old! Isn't it wonderful how God gives us just what we need, when we need it! Whether it be a boost of energy, or bean soup, God always supplies our needs. This is why we should always be reminded to thank Him in the good times and the bad, because He is always there and if we open our eyes we'll realize that there is a miracle there. It may be small or it may be huge, but in His presence there will be a miracle! And may God bless the people that are open to be used of Him in that endeavor!
