Saturday, March 7, 2009

Better the second time around

This week I got my second day of round one.  Things have been much better this time around, not nearly as much nausea, pain or any other discomforts.  I even had enough energy last night to walk a few miles to play a prank on our Royal Rangers.  They were camping at a park a few miles from our apartment, so I snuck up there in the middle of the night and set off a string of firecrackers and scared them.  They thought that a war had started, I guess that a string of
m-80's will do that to a bunch of ten year olds.  I still had a little bit of energy drain today, but getting out and walking last night really helped get through the weekend.


  1. Trinity Mackley! Those poor boys!!! I can imagine your fun at watching them scatter! I'm glad that you felt well enough to attempt a walk to the park! Hopefully these treatments will continue to have minor ill effects for you, if any. It will soon pass, and you'll be the new, improved Trinity..,healthwise. The prankster Trinity....well, he'll still be around! We don't want that to change. Too much fun! Luv ya!!

  2. It's good to see that the (prankster) Trinity I know and love is alive and well. Growing up didn't change you, and apparently having cancer hasn't either. The firecracker stunt sounds like something I'd have done if I'd thought of it.

    Ken Foreman

  3. You are too funny!

    Praying for you you much,

  4. Oh Trin...u haven't changed at all since we were're just a big kid now. I remember the time we hid behind the bushes over on sierra madre and used mom's twirling baton to shoot bottle rockets off at either the trashman or mailman. I think we got in trouble but that was after we had done it several times. It's amazing we ever survived childhood! Keep having fun! You know laughter is good medicine for the heart!
